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Business Plans (BP)


A business plan is a written description of your business's future. That's all there is to it--a document that describes what you plan to do and how you plan to do it.

Business plans can help perform a number of tasks for those who write and read them. They're used by investment-seeking entrepreneurs to convey their vision to potential investors. They may also be used by firms that are trying to attract key employees, prospect for new business, deal with suppliers or simply to understand how to manage their companies better.

We offer a range of Business Plans to suit your requirements and budget. We prepare Business Plans for Visa Requirements, Export Market Development, Funding, Start-ups, grow and exiting your business.


Pricing starts from $150

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Marketing Plans (MP)


A marketing plan is a business document outlining your marketing strategy and tactics. It's often focused on a specific period of time (i.e. over the next 12 months) and covers a variety of marketing-related details, such as costs, goals, and action steps.

But like your business plan, a marketing plan is not a static document. It needs to change and evolve as your business grows, and as new and changing marketing trends develop.

Many business owners create a marketing plan and then set it aside. However, your marketing plan is a road map providing you with direction toward reaching your business objectives.It needs to be referred to and assessed for results frequently.

Pricing starts from $300

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Go-To-Market Plans (GTMP)


A go-to-market strategy (GTM strategy) is an action plan that specifies how a company will reach customers and achieve competitive advantage. The purpose of a GTM strategy is to provide a blueprint for delivering a product or service to the end customer, taking into account such factors as pricing and distribution. A GTM strategy is somewhat similar to a business plan, although the latter is broader in scope and considers such factors as funding.

GTM is often associated with product launches, but it can also be used to describe the specific steps a company needs to take in order to guide customer interactions for existing products. Service-oriented firms such as cloud services providers and managed services providers (MSPs) may also devise GTM strategies.

Pricing starts from $400

Cash Management Plans (CMP)


If your business is struggling with finding the cash to grow or just to pay the bills and employees, you may need a stronger management plan in place. 

Our team are famous with working with you to find the right Plan that is managed by you or we can manage on your behalf. We offer a range of Plans but each plan is customised to meet your requirements. No two businesses are alike.

So do not settle for a generic Cash Management Plan that are offered by others. Let us make your Plan to meet your objectives and requirements.

Pricing starts from $200

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Feasibility Studies (FS)


If you are planning to start your own business, introduce a new product or service or perhaps intending to enter a new market, a feasibility study is ideal to provide the answers to the viability of the project.

Feasibility studies are useful tools for testing ideas on paper before deciding whether to implement them. If a small business is considering a significant change in its operation -- such as marketing a new product, acquiring another business or installing a new telecommunications system -- the owner or management team can evaluate the idea before committing time and money to it. Conducting a feasibility study is a rigorous process that can yield valuable information about an organization and its future. If a feasibility study indicates that an idea has good potential, the company can proceed with the business planning of how and when to develop and implement the idea.

Pricing starting from $150

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